Linggo, Setyembre 4, 2011

Steping in stage of success

                                                         Being a successful one is one of a hard dream to reach by anyone of us.You  need to pass every test of life or trials that is assign to you,in order to pass on it you need to strive hard for you to commit what you have reaching for.Just like in puzzle or a solving mathematical problem you need to find or guess the solutoin for you to complete what is asking for.
                                                        Each of us want to be a successful one of what we are achieving.Like me as a student,most of us want to step in the stage of success which are mostly happen after we complete the four year's that we need to attend for, for us to be in the day they so-called "GRADUATION".
                                                        I just want to say to the student's like me to please,please,please finish your studies,don't easily give up,if you sense or feel that you tired up already or you can not take it anymore,just please remind yourself that you need to prolong your studies for the seek to the person you love ,your family,,just think that they loves you,always there for you all the time,supporting you, ready to listen and comfort you in times of that you need a shoulder to cry on.
                                                       Problems,trials,circumtances just think or let them consider as one ingredients and spices in life to make you a better person,and make life wonderful and a challenging one.Hope to see you in graduation day in steping in stage of success................and say I've made it.........................

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